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Dust Fast

Dust Mop Treatment 


DUST FAST is a liquid dust mop treatment, formulated with mineral seal oil and special additives designed to increase dust mop performance. It is safe for all fl oors which have been properly treated. DUST FAST is characterized by its highly effi cient dirt pickup, slow controlled evaporation, built-in mop launderability, very light pleasant odor, and high fl ash point (WILL NOT CAUSE SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION)


Efficient Dust Mopping

DUST FAST when properly applied to a dust mop, will pick up the free dust and hold it in the strands of the mop. There is no longer a need for sweeping compound. Finished fl oors take on a new look - cleaner surface plus higher lustre.


Easy to Keep Dust Mops Clean

DUST FAST is also formulated with a special built-in detergent to provide good mop launderability. Now it is easy to have clean mops.


Use on All Types of Floors

DUST FAST can be used on all fl oors properly sealed or treated with wax or a resinous fi nish. It can be used on some untreated fl oors such as wood and concrete. CAUTION: DUST FAST should never be used on linoleum, rubber or asphalt tile fl oors unless they have been properly sealed or waxed.


Multi-Clean Dust Fast. Dust Mop Treatment 1 Gal

SKU: 902043
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